Be calculative even it is only RM180 - RM200 to be paid against RM100,000 to RM300,000 to be received.
Yes it is only 0.2% of your entitlement to be used for the mentioned payment, but it will be 100% damages if you receive nothing. In another words, to throw your money a way with an empty promise of having back double or triple of it.
Yes you will get certain portion by recommending others to the program but you will get trust deficit after the failure of it.
Kindly to get this input before sinking in and get drunk:
- how much is the size of the fund?
- where is the fund located? Which bank?
- request for any Audited report? Or prospectus or any certified trusted documents before the handing over of any personal information?
- request for promoter personal biodata especially the number one?..
No matter which organization are you....
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